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ATS has been awarded of the contract for the revamping of the flue gas treatment of Saint-Ouen (France) waste to energy plant

The Syctom, the metropolitan agency for waste management, treats waste of more than five millions and five hundred thousand inhabitants directly from Paris and suburbs towns. Its plants, among which it has to be encountered also the one erected in 1990 near Saint-Ouen Docks, have a key role into the waste valorisation by producing from their combustion electrical power or thermal energy to be used for the local district heating. Saint-Ouen WtE plant, that is still considered from an energetic point of view one of the most performant plants of the entire country, is called to prosecute its duty of public service with a further improvement of its devices. In fact, this Waste to Energy plant is located in the middle of town that is undergoing to a complete renewal, so it has to be adapted in order to have a better integration with the nearby new environment. A lot of preliminary study has been carried out, and few of them is still on going, in order to have the definition of the entire project, defined under different points of view: industrial, environmental, architectonical and integration with the new context.


A better performance with an innovative process

The flue gas treatment will undergo to a complete renewal, by the use of the new best available technologies following what has already been done on Isséane site in Issy-les-Moulineaux. The building site will start already in 2017. Such new technology will drive to several advantages, starting from the disappearing of the plume nowadays still present at the chimneys outlets. But, more than this, it will permit to further reinforce environmental and energetic performances, by improving quality of atmospheric emissions — that will be much lower than regulation requests — and by optimizing also the plant in terms of power production. Concerning this point, the Docks eco-district will have a positive impact of this gain of production: the Syctom will provide to the Compagnie Parisienne de Chauffage Urbain (CPCU), company in charge of district heating management in the area, three mega watt of thermal power. So it is true that the name « eco-district » is pushing different actors to do something more by using most advanced technologies. Works for a global value of about 50 millions euros will be completed by the end of 2018.

Interview to the Deputy Director of Technical Services of the Syctom referring the project of renewal od Saint-Ouen WtE plant

To ATS, in this case working in consortium with VINCI Environnement, in order to be able to take advantages of the peculiar characteristics of each company, has been assigned the lot n°1 of this project in which are included all the technological solutions for the new flue gas treatment. In particular, the realization of a new dry system with double filtration devices (ESP and fabric filter), a SCR DeNOx unit, and a flue gas condensation system in order to improve, as already said, the global power production of the plant.


The architectural integration: a major concern

The vehicles circulation, in particular the one for the truck for waste delivery will be modified following the creation of a new entrance directly from RD1 road. This will reduce the concerns in rue Ardoin, and at the same time will permit the reorganisation of some places inside the plant, some buildings will be removed and rebuilt. The architectonical part will be completely revised: the project, including a study of the entire equipment with their access, will allow the creation of new green areas as for example the positioning of plants directly on external surfaces for a better integration in the new eco-district.


Progetto di integrazione urbana dell'impianto di Saint-Ouen

Project of urban integration of Saint-Ouen WtE plant